Glyconutrient Q. and A.

Much has been covered regarding glyconutrients within Glyconutritional Technology as well as the supplementary information articles included within it's pages. I have attempted to personally stress their relevance and subsequent importance within the modern collective diet. Facts, figures and letters of endorsement can only remind us to a point, after which it is up to the individual to decide.

Given this, I have complied a list of question and answers which hopefully resonates to those that intuitively feel that something is missing from that which they are eating. These three are I would say do represent the most common questions asked on this subject and with that I hope they hit the mark.

What is the importance of considering glyconutrient supplementation?

The science of glycomics (the study of biological sugar interactions) is still a developing one and as such absolute understanding is still incomplete. However though much has been learnt already in this critical area of nutrition. Saccharides are un-doubtably very important in the overall equation to good health and wellbeing. They serve many functions from helping the cells to release energy to playing a key functional role in the bodies general state of health.

In addition to their being major components of the bodies immune system which should never be compromised. This reason alone stands as sufficient reason for supplementations since both under-reactive (susceptibility to disease) and or over-reactive (susceptibility to allergic reaction) immune problems can wreak havoc to our overall wellbeing.

If I am eating plenty of fruit and vegetables why would I need further glyconutrient supplementation?

This is without question a very fair thing to ask in as much as if we lived in a pristine, uncontaminated world where all of our food was organically grown and not interfered with albeit by chemical fertilisers, genetic engineering and soil integrity. Not to mention if that plant foodstuffs once harvested could reach consumers without unnecessary transportation and lengthy storage periods all of which adds up to substantial nutrient loss.

All of this without even the consideration of the now widely excepted practice of premature harvesting which then results in the unnatural`gassing' of our fruit and vegetables with ethylene to ripen them and `preserve' their shelf life. So in answer to this question, 30 years ago we could have said yes, now however even though after eating regular portions of varied fruit and vegetables which in itself is certainly a step in the right direction further supplementation is quite often needed to meet the dietary shortfall created by modern farming practices.

How long does it take for glyconutrients to begin to work?

This is yet again another good question but however one that is a little harder to clarify, in as much as, as individuals we are all different and of course it mainly equates to those who have an existing ailment of some descript. In general the benefits rely `what it takes to normalise and stablise the cellular integrity of the body' and the `rate of which the various cell types change and divide' within a given individual.

Some results can be quick and unmistakably whilst others may take time and not be as obvious. For example our bodies are composed of approximately 200 different types cells, each of which have programmed differing replacement times as to their lifespan. Some cell types also have short lives whilst others such as heart cells and nerve cells never die or get replaced. In general though it takes around 90 days for adequate cellular glycosylation to populate a larger proportion of cells within the body given that supplementation is taken daily over that time period.

One important aspect to mention is that glyconutrients are NOT DRUGS, more so building block components that are needed for our bodies own defense mechanisms to function correctly and stablise any system anomalies.

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