
Article submission, Friday 8th December 2006

Mothers are the guardians of life. They embody the mysterious regeneration that sustain humanity. It is a cherished dream of each women and a life transforming experience. A women is never quiet same after becoming a mother she matures to shed her adolescent carefree nature. Recovery coincides with challenging jobs of your needs verses the never ending needs of a helpless being whose whole life depends on you. Suddenly the joy of arrival turns to stress exhaustion and chaos. Being a mother is a underrated job and very demanding as it goes on all the time even if you go out to work you still are a full time parent but your success in being a mother lies in your ability to pursue your own life with care and courage and balance yours and your baby.

To begin with, your body is not the same; instead of a flattened stomach you find a tummy that is still there along with some loose hanging folds of skin sure to upset you a bit and then there are this see- saw of emotions elated at one and depressed the second minute the beginning of so called baby blues. The great changes that your body has gone through need not only proper nutrition but proper exercise to get back in shape and some mental relaxation to deal with the new challenge.

For all the running about that you are doing you surely need lot of energy. Foods that release slow sugars are required for sustained energy, the ones with a low glycemic index so that you don’t get exhausted. Apples, porridge, oats, brown rice, dates, figs, apricots are few to name.

Rich carbohydrate foods will ensure that your brain produces serotonin a calming substance. Potatoes, pasta, bread, roti, and rice are good sources. Herbal teas are a good alternative to normal teas such as lavender and chamomile which encourages relaxation.

Nutritional needs are very crucial during this period as mother nourishes (breast feeding) the new born too. If nutritional needs are not met the mothers body gets depleted of the nutrition to fulfill the needs of the baby. Iron and Calcium are the most important as is spinach, sesame seeds, poppy seeds green leafy vegetables and milk are also good sources.

Selenium and Zinc are also very important in recovery along with Vit C and Vit E found in broccoli, watercress, carrots, sweet potatoes, cabbage, avocado's, fish and nuts.

Trying to loose weight immediately after delivery is not a good idea as nutritional needs are highest. 450-570 extra Calories are needed for as a breastfeeding mother. However getting these calories from low-fat nutritive foods helps to burn those earlier fat deposits without much disturbing the body. Fluid intake is vital for a good milk flow. Onions are believed to increase the flow.

High salt and sugar containing foods.
Processed foods.
Hard cheese.
Full fat dairy.
Fizzy drinks.

Soups and broths.
Low fat milk.
Whole meal bread-Roti.
Fish and poultry.

ORGANIC OATS -Good sleep is very important. Oats are nutritious and healing with an affinity to nervous system working both to stimulate and restore.
ROYAL JELLY - Highly nutritious it boots energy levels, supports adrenal gland which gets affected due to stress.
Co ENZYME Q10 - Helps cells to utilize energy efficiently.
GINGER -Helps to boosts natural energy levels.

Above information is given in good faith however for any diseased condition please consult physician or dietitian before starting it.


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