Nutrition Essentials

Article submission, Wednesday 20th September 2006

Make no mistakes about it, good nutrition is the end all and be all. If any of us wish to live a long disease and illness free life, what we consume will be the greatest regulator and governor of this. Just about everyone has heard the well worn cliché "we are what we eat" yet despite this some continue to disrupt the bodies natural operating processes by feeding it junk!

Any computer programmer knows that the quality of data feed into a computer via its software dictates the inevitable outcome of the programs operations.

Therefore the same law applies to our own physiology, all of what we eat must collectively (depending on our diet) contain all the essential ingredients. That way we equip our bodies with the basic resources to do the job(s) it must do correctly in the first place.

Remember this. If there is one thing the body was perfectly designed to do it is to heal and repair itself. Period!

So where do we begin?

There is no mistaking that the topic of nutrition is huge, which could and indeed does fill volumes of websites. So therefore it is not my intention to delve into the science of it all. More so to provide some practical common sense on this monumental theme, for every day application. Separating all the academic hype so to speak.

The basis of good eating starts with the knowledge applied from the food pyramid. This I believe is an excellent guideline to our dietary intake. I believe you cannot go to far wrong if you use this as a model.

food pyramid

However given the now known importances of adding supplements to our diet the old style food pyramid has been revised somewhat to incorporate this change as is shown clearly here in the wellness pyramid model.

As far as the modern diet is concerned what we have done it seems is to have turned the pyramid upside down with the most important now being at the apex whilst the less important high carb, meat and dairy elements have gone to the bottom (pardon the pun).

Keep in mind that moderation is the key, and that all the food groups have there place in our diet. Afterall there is no point in getting fanatical about this.

Lets take a closer look at each of these nutritional components individually shall we, just click on the links below:

Fats, Sugars and Salt

Fish, Meat, Nuts and Dairy

Fruits and Vegetables

Bread, Cereal, rice and Pasta

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For a view of nutrition based on older but still relevant research, check out the section on isolated people groups located at modern diets and nutritional diseases

For anyone who is academically minded or just plain curious then John Kyrk's cell biology animation site is an absolute must for a close insight into the inner workings of human cells.


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